A Sunny Morning in Wanås Beech Forest
Autumn Colours at Wanås early Sunday morning. |
First sunstrokes hit the Wanås Castle. |
Today we are taking you back to Wanås because of the bright autumn colours now at offer. Plan A included hopes for misty conditions at sunrise together with sun spells from behind the beech trees in the gorgeous forest. Having arrived at Wanås the Plan A had to be changed for Plan B which took notice of the fact that the sun, in Scandinavia, does not climb that high nor is it that bright this time of the year. The hope for mist changed into haze from the fields. The offering, anyhow, was exciting for a photographer and the result interesting. Another chance to play with light and shadows.
The early sun moves fast behind the forest offering magical moments. |
First light over Antony Gormley's sculpture "Together and Apart". |
A stroll in the Wanås woods is refreshing, not only because of the art works at display but also due to the nature itself. A quiet moment for yourself in such surroundings is invigorating. All seasons have different things to offer and early mornings as well as late afternoons offer a colorful and mystical atmosphere that hard day time light tend to spoil.
Forceful heavenly light staged by the nature. |
The path from the Castle leads you through an iron gate and past a lakeside in the forest. Walking around the lake or moving deeper into the forest is your choice. Ask for a map at the reception as this will also give details of all the art work scattered around in the area. Different seasons, different days and different day time light conditions provide for different settings for your camera.
Tranquil, bright with the raising sun and sleepy at the same time. |
Early haziness over the field that soon is gone. |
So we did indeed spot some haze for our pictures walking our way back. A few more shots, below, and we are done for the day (morning). Time to wake up Mrs. T, prepare scrambled eggs for our Sunday "brunch" including juice from Kiviks Musteri, of course. Perfect!
Green and lush, bright and colourful. |
Summer handing over to the autumn. Nature resting before a new dawn. |
WOW - What a morning, what a day. Don't you think? Have a very good week everyone. But stay "tuned" for more nature pictures from Ballingstorp.
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